Source code for PyMieSim.single.scatterer.core_shell

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from PyOptik.material.base_class import BaseMaterial

import numpy
from typing import Optional
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from PyMieSim.units import Quantity
from PyMieSim.single.scatterer.base import BaseScatterer, config_dict

[docs] @dataclass(config=config_dict, kw_only=True) class CoreShell(BaseScatterer): """ Class representing a core/shell spherical scatterer. Parameters ---------- core_diameter : Quantity Diameter of the core of the scatterer. shell_thickness : Quantity Thickness of the shell surrounding the core. core_property : Quantity | BaseMaterial Defines either the refractive index (`Quantity`) or material (`BaseMaterial`) of the scatterer's core. Only one can be provided. shell_property : Quantity | BaseMaterial Defines either the refractive index (`Quantity`) or material (`BaseMaterial`) of the scatterer's shell. Only one can be provided. """ core_diameter: Quantity shell_thickness: Quantity core_property: Quantity | BaseMaterial shell_property: Quantity | BaseMaterial property_names = [ "size_parameter", "area", "g", "Qsca", "Qext", "Qabs", "Qback", "Qratio", "Qpr", "Csca", "Cext", "Cabs", "Cback", "Cratio", "Cpr" ] def __post_init__(self): self.core_index, self.core_material = self._assign_index_or_material(self.core_property) self.shell_index, self.shell_material = self._assign_index_or_material(self.core_property) self.cross_section = numpy.pi * ((self.core_diameter / 2 + self.shell_thickness)) ** 2 super().__post_init__()
[docs] def set_binding(self) -> None: """ Bind the C++ scatterer class. """ from PyMieSim.binary.CoreShellInterface import CORESHELL self.binding = CORESHELL( shell_index=self.shell_index.to_base_units().magnitude, core_index=self.core_index.to_base_units().magnitude, shell_thickness=self.shell_thickness.to_base_units().magnitude, core_diameter=self.core_diameter.to_base_units().magnitude, medium_index=self.medium_index.to_base_units().magnitude, source=self.source.binding )
[docs] def an(self, max_order: Optional[int] = 0) -> numpy.ndarray: r""" Compute :math:`a_n` coefficient. If max_order is set to zero, the maximum order output is calculated using the Wiscombe criterion. Parameters ---------- max_order : Optional[int]) The maximum order of the coefficient. Default is 0. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of :math:`a_n` coefficients. """ return
[docs] def bn(self, max_order: Optional[int] = 0) -> numpy.ndarray: r""" Compute :math:`b_n` coefficient. If max_order is set to zero, the maximum order output is calculated using the Wiscombe criterion. Parameters ---------- max_order : Optional[int]) The maximum order of the coefficient. Default is 0. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of :math:`b_n` coefficients. """ return