Far-Fields Computation and Visualization#

This example demonstrates the process of computing and visualizing the far-fields of a scatterer using PyMieSim.

Importing the package: PyMieSim

from PyMieSim.single.scatterer import Sphere
from PyMieSim.single.source import Gaussian
from PyMieSim.units import nanometer, degree, watt, AU, RIU

Defining the source

source = Gaussian(
    wavelength=1000 * nanometer,  # 1000 nm
    polarization=30 * degree,  # Right circular polarization
    optical_power=1 * watt,  # Arbitrary units
    NA=0.3 * AU  # Numerical Aperture

Defining the scatterer

scatterer = Sphere(
    diameter=1500 * nanometer,  # 1500 nm
    property=1.4 * RIU,  # Refractive index of the scatterer
    medium_property=1.0 * RIU  # Refractive index of the surrounding medium

Computing the data

data = scatterer.get_far_field(sampling=100)  # Specify the number of sampling points

Plotting the data

figure = data.plot()

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.758 seconds)

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